Defense of Compter Crimes & Hacking Jay Leiderman Law

complete legal services to those accused of computer related crimes

Jay Leiderman Law provides full and complete legal services to those accused of computer related crimes including so-called hacking or DDoS attacks. Jay Leiderman Law is Southern California's preeminent computer crime defense law firm. We also handle cases nationally and internationally.

The services we offer include:

  • Representing clients in computer, hacking and DDoS-related criminal cases, administrative hearings and civil cases.
  • Consulting with clients regarding the evolving field of criminal law as it relates to computer crimes done at the state, federal and international levels.
  • Advising persons engaged in computer enterprises that have questions about their operations so that they may ensure legally compliant operations.
  • Obtaining the return of computers and related property seized in criminal cases.
  • Defending clients who are "raided" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), other multi-jurisdictional law enforcement agencies and local law enforcement.

In the news:

'Homeless Hacker' Lawyer: DDoS Isn't An Attack, It's A Digital Sit In
